The main conference theme for MoodleMoot Canada 2025 is ‘Delivering Quality Education: Unleashing the Potential of Moodle LMS’
We welcome abstract submissions in English and French on the topics of:
- User Experience and Engagement: Use cases, personalized learning pathways
- Social Learning and Gamification: Collaborative learning, Rewards and challenges in learning
- Data Driven Education: Student success, Custom reports
- Interactive Learning: Virtual and augmented reality, AI, Interactive content, Multimedia
- Diverse Learning Needs: Accessibility, Course design
- Custom LMS workflows: API, LTI, Integrations
- Workplace learning: Case studies, Compliance training
Please share your story on how you use Moodle to deliver accessible and engaging learning experiences.
We welcome all topics suggestions that fit into the overall theme.
All abstracts (or program related questions) should be sent to: [email protected] by the due date – Saturday 15 March 2025
If you are experiencing any issues, please contact us via our online enquiry form here.
Les soumissions de résumés sont ouvertes jusqu’au 15 Mars 2025
Thème principal pour Moodle Moot 2025 : « Offrir une éducation de qualité »
Sujets suggérés pour les résumés :
• Expérience utilisateur et engagement : Études de cas, parcours d’apprentissage personnalisés
• Apprentissage social et gamification : Apprentissage collaboratif, récompenses et défis dans l’apprentissage
• Éducation basée sur les données : Réussite des étudiants, rapports personnalisés
• Apprentissage interactif : Réalité virtuelle et augmentée, IA, contenu interactif, multimédia
• Besoins d’apprentissage diversifiés : Accessibilité, conception de cours
• Flux de travail LMS personnalisés : API, LTI, intégrations
• Apprentissage en milieu de travail : Études de cas, formations en conformité
Nous vous invitons à partager comment vous utilisez Moodle pour offrir des expériences d’apprentissage accessibles et engageantes.
Toutes les suggestions de sujets s’inscrivant dans le thème global sont les bienvenues.
Veuillez envoyer vos résumés ou questions relatives au programme à : [email protected] avant le 15 mars 2025.
En cas de problème, contactez-nous via notre formulaire de demande en ligne ici.
Featured speakers | Conférenciers vedettes :

Pr. Bruno Poellhuber
Full Professor at the Faculty of Education and Academic Director of the Centre de Pédagogie Universitaire (teaching and learning Center) of Université de Montréal, Bruno Poellhuber specializes in the use of educational technologies in higher education, whether in-person, online, or in hybrid formats. In his presentation – Enhancing Engagement and Learning with AI Assistants and Emerging Tech in Moodle, Pr.Poellhuber will outline particularly promising opportunities in these fields and their potential implementation within Moodle, drawing on research results, notably from the LAVIA lab project (Living Lab on Learning Innovation). Learn more | apprendre encore plus

Jack Rice
Jack Rice is a career educator and academic leader; he currently serves as the Executive Director of the Maple League of Universities and is the Director of the Centre for Online Learning, Graduate & Professional Studies at St. Francis Xavier University. Jack’s presentation – Learning in the Age of Hybridity, was a standout hit at MoodleMoot Australia 2024 and we are excited that Jack is able to deliver it for the Moodle community in Canada as well. You will learn why and how we must adapt our education systems to meet the challenges and opportunities of our new age. Jack will discuss educational technology’s role in enabling a hybrid future and identify pitfalls that we must avoid, to empower learners to face humanity’s most pressing issues. Learn more | apprednre encore plus

Marie Achour
Marie is the Chief Product Officer at Moodle HQ. She leads the team who design, build and maintain Moodle’s product ecosystem which includes the world’s most popular LMS – an open-source learning platform used by hundreds of millions of learners and educators worldwide to improve our world. Marie is most passionate about shaping product teams that are focused on creating value through customer centricity and driving growth through advocacy. Join us for an exclusive glimpse into recent advancements in the delivery of Moodle’s product vision. Learn more | apprendre encore plus

Matt Porritt
Matt is the Product Director, Platform Solutions at Moodle HQ. He oversees the development and strategic direction of the core of the Moodle learning management system. Matt’s strong technical proficiency, hands-on experience with Moodle, and leadership acumen have helped to successfully manage large-scale projects and implement robust solutions.
In this presentation, we will explore the newly introduced AI subsystem in Moodle LMS, highlighting its first user-facing functionalities. Learn more | apprendre encore plus
Event details:
Wednesday-Thursday, 14-15 May 2025
École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Montreal, Canada
Join us for insightful presentations and interactive activities.
Moodle Moot Canada is the perfect opportunity to connect with fellow Moodle enthusiasts, share ideas, and learn from experts in the field.
By registering for this event you agree to the MoodleMoot Canada 2025 Terms and Conditions.
Détails de l’événement:
Mercredi et jeudi, 14-15 Mai 2025
École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Montreal, Canada
Rejoignez-nous pour des présentations enrichissantes et des activités interactives.
MoodleMoot Canada est l’occasion idéale pour rencontrer d’autres passionnés de Moodle, partager des idées et apprendre des experts du domaine.
En vous inscrivant à cet événement, vous acceptez MoodleMoot Canada 2025 Termes et Conditions.